
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hi there

I just finished reading a point in a chapter of The Happiness Project (it’s a book, by Grethen Rubin, in case you’re wondering). It’s called: Spend Out.
“A few years ago, my sister gave me a box of beautiful stationery for my birthday. I loved it, but I’d never use it. When I was mailing some photos to the grandparents, I hesitated to use the new stationery because I was “saving” it; but to what better use could it be put? Of course I should use those notes.
Spend out.”
“In one of my last visits to my grandmother before she died, I picked up the My Sin perfume that had been sitting on her bureau for as long as I could remember. The bottle was still in its box, and when I opened it, I saw that it was still full to the top. I didn’t ask her about it, but I’m sure someone, many years ago, gave her that bottle of perfume and she was “saving it”. For what? After she died, I took the box home with me, and I keep it in my office to remind me to ‘Spend out.’”
I realized that I’ve always resisting on spending out things I have. Those paragraphs totally remind me of my stationery sets and art supplies I’ve bought for myself thinking that I would use that later to increase my drawing skills. Turns out that I’ve rarely used them. Also, I bought books only to leave them inside my drawer, eventhough those are interesting books with 5-stars rating.
I should spend out.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I.. got up early today, woken up by my dad who was upset with my alarm that wouldn’t go off. My mistake. I didn’t realize the nyan cat theme song that danced through my dream.
I went early too, but didn’t manage to arrive in time for morning prayer. The pos pengumben road has been in chaos these two days in a row. Wonder why. Took me an hour to get to office (usually only 30 mins).
Worked on two mock-up pages for check out and shopping cart. I believe the rest would be easy!
Just finished a quick drawing pose practice. I hope someday I would be able to do character illustrations with great gestures!
Now time for doing some and a bit of Internship Report. Wish me to stay awake til then :/
Happy birthday to Sharleen and Serly! Sorry for the last minute birthday cards. At least it's still sent in Nov 6, 11:50 pm xD
These cards was a result of my immediate action after reading Gretchen's point on "remembering birthdays". Although they're just cards, they help me remember others' birthdays and also making ourselves happier. Bet people will be smiling, even a lil bit, after getting something finally not inside their Facebook wall.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Today’s doodles.

July. Juki charly version.

And Naoki Sato...

Had a meeting with Juki team for HF9. See you there, guys!

Anyway, I just changed my username on dA from danuve to hyoori. Which one's better in your opinion? I also uploaded the Naoki doodle to it. Go visit and give a comment :)

Monday, November 4, 2013

I got this from Zeeva.

Visit her blog: She's owsem.

1. Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed?
Closed. In fact I don’t have my closet in my room anymore.

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?
Well, occasionally. IF the packaging is beautiful.

3. Where is your next vacation?
Thai, pls? :D

4. Who do you think reads these?

5. Do you have a calendar in your room?
Yes, I do.

6. What’s your plan for the day?
Watching some replays… Dammit. Why can’t I play good… :(

Collect books even if you don't plan on reading them right away. nothing is more important than an unread library
Don't worry about doing research. just search
Always be reading. go to the library.theres Magic in being surrounded by books. Get lost in the stacks. Read bibliographies.
Save your thefts for later
Carry a notebook and a pen with you wherever you go. Get used to pulling it out and jotting down your toughts and observations. Copy your favorite passages out of books. Record overheard conversations. Doodle when you are on the phone.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

I hate Plaza Senayan and all of its people.

Watched Thor.

Darcy was cool.

Get Bored.

Can I get bored with Facebook? Because I’ve already done that with Twitter. It’s time to do some with Facebook. But When?